Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon


оценок: 21
Количество загрузок:78
Операционная система:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Последняя версия:3.2
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Brave Dragon is an exciting game that gives you the chance to take control over one of the ancient dragons and save the world. You'll have to fly across multiple levels, evading dangers and collecting valuables. As you progress, you'll be able to unlock access to more content and view your statistics. There's also the chance to unlock more items and info as you progress. The graphics and sound effects are great, and the game is very challenging and addictive. If you're looking for a fun and exciting game, Brave Dragon is definitely worth checking out.

Версия 3.2 Brave Dragon доступна бесплатно на нашем архиве. Размер файла последней версии для установки 3.1 MB. Самые популярные версии среди пользователей ПО 3.2, 3.1 и 3.0.

Этот файл загрузки был просканирован нашим встроенным антивирусом, который отметил его как полностью безопасный для использования.

Установочные файлы программы известны как Brave Dragon.exe, BraveDragon.exe или game.exe и т.д. Brave Dragon принадлежит к категории Игры, а точнее к подкатегории Аркады.

От разработчика:

There were times when dragons ruled the World. Those were times when a trifle of people coexisted peacefully with dragons. However, people had started to gather in tribes, to be lead by chiefs, thus posing a threat to dragons. Now power and strengths of one dragon wasn't enough to defeat one tribe. Very often when a tribe attacked a dragon, they came out the winners. So very soon humankind population had risen greatly.

Мы предлагаем оценить другие программы, такие как Comodo Dragon Internet Browser, Dragon City или Dragon UnPACKer, которые часто используются вместе с Brave Dragon.


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