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оценок: 46
Лицензия: Бесплатная
Количество загрузок:104
Операционная система:Windows 7/8/10/11
Последняя версия:5.30
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ScreenShooter is an incredibly useful tool for capturing and sharing screenshots. It allows you to easily capture the entire screen or just a selected area, and then quickly share it with others by providing them with a link to the uploaded image. You can also edit the screenshots with a pen and highlighter, apply blur effects, insert text, arrows, pins, and shapes. The best part is that you can access the history with the latest snapshots and generated URLs. This makes it incredibly easy to keep track of all your screenshots. Highly recommended!

Скачать ScreenShooter 5.30 бесплатно с сайта. ScreenShooter относится к категории Фото. Разработчик этой бесплатной программы — screenshooter.

По умолчанию названия для установочного файла ScreenShoot.exe, ScreenShooter.exe или scrnshot.exe и т.д. ScreenShooter отлично работает на 32-бит Windows 7/8/10/11. Самые популярные версии среди пользователей ScreenShooter 5.3 и 0.1.

От разработчика:

Share everything what you see on your screen!
ScreenShooter provides you the ability to share instantly what you see on your monitor.

Take a screenshot and share it with your friends!
Just click "Screenshot" (or press F9), select an area and now you have the URL in your clipboard. Now everyone who receives a link will be able to see your screenshot.

Мы предлагаем оценить другие программы, такие как GameManagerV2, которые часто используются вместе с ScreenShooter.


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